
Book Trailer Sneak peak

Here's a quick preview of the awesomeness that awaits once I finish the next book trailer. I'll include a little feedback I received from the author:


Well, there you go.

Riverwoods Promo Pack

I did this for the Shops at Riverwoods. It's the document that is provided to retailers interested in setting up a shop in the mall. I worked particularly hard on this because I'd like to see a Zara go in there. 

I took the pictures on the first, third, and fourth pages.


Demo Reel!

Aaaahright people. Here's the reel.


Called to Surf Catalog

I just finished up a summer catalog for Called To Surf. I tried to embed it but Scribd destroyed the colors, so you'll have to check it out at the Called To Surf website. As you can see, they have a wide selection of amazing clothes and awesome things. Next time you visit the Shops at the Riverwoods, swing by and see. They have a ton of surf brands that you won't find anywhere else in Utah.

New book trailers

Head on over to TrailerBook.net and check out the latest book trailer - "Ammon"

The site has also been redesigned and now ranks much higher on Aesthetics, Usability, and General Awesomeness.